Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why do I write?

Well, I suddenly remembered that I haven’t told you why I’m writing in this blog. The reason is definitely not because I like witting, phewww, I’m born naturally not as a writer. Hell to the NO.

So why do I write? I write just for fun. Can you believe the reason? Haha.. I write just to express myself. I’m not a blogger, not even a writer. To write a short paragraph even need me one day to complete. Yes, I write for fun, just to express what I feel, what I heard, what I see. I write just to spill whatever I hold inside myself, including my happiness, my sadness, my anger, my enthusiastic, even my drama. It is called as self expression.

Sometimes I write just to share, normally not as public view but more to my personal. I write just for my own reminder. It’s my opinion, it’s my view, it is hoped to guide me, someday.

Did you notice that all my expression is in English? Not in Bahasa , except to those lame language? Well, yes, I write as training for my English, so that it could help me in my studies. I hope this writing enable me to write a good report whenever I pursue my doctorate, someday. That is why you see most of the time, I tried to use appropriate language terms instead a normal talking terms. Pretty boring, right?

Last but not least, I write to fulfil my spare time. Did you notice I only write in certain period only? Oh yes, I only write when my semester and examination is over. Otherwise, though I’m in front of the laptop, I had a piling of assignments and project papers. Which do I choose? Of course la the assignment and project papers instead of my blog, otherwise when will be I completing my studies? Not to mention getting bad marks in the examinations, kan? Hell to the No.

Well, I better stop here. It’s 8.09 am of fine Saturday. I better get showed and dressed for my class. So guys, see you when I see you. Chows..

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Love: Miss Aiz Rahman