Sunday, April 24, 2011

Do we care?

It’s going to be the last 2 semester before I finish my study. Somehow, it’s going to be tougher than it used to be. This semester I took 3 elective courses just to complete the requirement. Speaking of the elective, this program is hardly to find girls took it. Since that, we are the only girls in the class, me and Alina. Being the only girls in the class, we become part of the teasing chapter for both classmates and lecturers.

I have to be frank that I feel uncomfortable with that situation. The attention was given to us since no other potential victim to be. Every single thing is being seen, even to small things like eating in the class. Not to mentioned being questioned all times. All these added to the stress level of us. But knowing us, do we care? We just maintained the same old us, eating, pretending and drama in the class. Huh. No effect maa..

The only things being care by us is why people always looking down to us. They always have negative thought that we cannot do. They always believe that we are not competent enough to be there, sitting in the room with them. Well, that’s hurt. It tears us apart. But do we care? Yes deep inside our heart, although we shown non expressible faces. We will see. Time will show. They will know..huh..

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