Thursday, November 7, 2013

The best assistant-part three

Still the budget pain is not ended. I do not know how many versions does the draft have, but I am sure each time I made amendment based on the best assistant’s instruction, the draft changed into another version.  Along the way in completing the task, there were so many “intelligent” question raised. One of them was “where is the saving for forecast 2013?” Such question give me a shock; I get stunned for a while thinking how to answer the question. It has been October end, an ordinary CFO should know that at this point of time, if the budget was burst, there is no turning point, unless with God’s miracle. How could the best assistant asked for the saving whereas there are many invoices that yet to be recorded, as the business people also could not confirm and track their expenses. Everyday, new invoices surprised me, so how the saving could take place? Subhanallah.

Again in completing the budget, a question has been raised by her secretary on the risk management consultancy cost. Surprisingly the question forwarded to me to address. I have risen to the best assistant that I do not have any access to forecast for the business consultancy cost as contacts and agreements are not forwarded to me. The best assistants agreed and give her figure which in my view is based on her judgement. Apparently she asked me why the risk management consultancy is not included in the figure. A rational CFO should know that she supposed to have a basis before giving me any figure or at least that was what my boss do each time he give me a solid figure. How on earth do I know that there will be a risk management consultancy cost to be incurred if I do not have any access to the contract and agreement and information is confidential? I do not know what the motive is forwarding the question to me. Is that supposed to make me feel stupid? Or it is how the best assistant shows her “intelligence” to me?

As usual, the CEO will review the draft report. In the institution’s definition, review means, checking the statement and grammar. I received a very small handwriting in green and red asking me to change the sentence in the report. As much as I tried to read, the sentences become much weird. For the record, the handwriting was hard to read and it was much worse than my boss’s handwriting; I had to admit this. At one point, one of the colleagues said to me “who wrote this? The English is so bad” I just hold my smiles. Well at least it does not come from me.

There is one thing that I learned in these few days. Some changes based on situation. Some acting like nothing happen but take opportunity when time come. Some acted like double agent. Others are willing to please in order to survive. People adapted to the situation and changes. In my case, I find it difficult to change and adapt. I am not someone who has double face or pleased people in order to survive. I speak the truth and cannot help myself to rise when things goes wrong. In my world, black is black and white is white. Between both, there is no grey area. And based on the character that I have the chances of surviving is getting slim. Nevertheless, that is me; the character is build inside, and surely not turning to chameleon just to play safe in the institution.