Friday, September 21, 2012

Qasidah : Ya badrotim

Qasidah : Ya badrotim

Ya badrotim, Ya badrotim
Haza kulla kamali
Maza yu’ab, maza yu’ab
Yu’abiru ‘an ‘ulaka maqoli
Antalladzi asyroqta fi ufuqil ‘ula
Antalladzi asyroqta fi ufuqil ‘ula
Famahauta bilanwari kulla dholali

Ya badrotim, Ya badrotim
Haza kulla kamali
Maza yu’ab, maza yu’ab
Yu’abiru ‘an ‘ulaka maqoli
Wabikastanarol kaunu ya ‘alamal huda
Binnuri wal in’ami wal ifdholi

Ya badrotim, Ya badrotim
Haza kulla kamali
Maza yu’ab, maza yu’ab
Yu’abiru ‘an ‘ulaka maqoli
Solla ‘alaikallahu robbi, robbi daiman
Solla ‘alaikallahu robbi, robbi daiman
Abada ma’al ibkari wal asoli

Ya badrotim, Ya badrotim
Haza kulla kamali
Maza yu’ab, maza yu’ab
Yu’abiru ‘an ‘ulaka maqoli
Wa’ala jami’iel ‘ali wal ashabi man
Qod khossohum robbul ‘ula bikamali

Ya badrotim, Ya badrotim
Haza kulla kamali
Maza yu’ab, maza yu’ab
Yu’abiru ‘an ‘ulaka maqoli

Having problem?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh Allah

Ya Ilahi lakal hamd – Allah
Ya Ilahi laka al shukr – Allah
Oh my Lord, all gratefullness is to you
Oh my Lord, all thanks are to you

‘Ala fadhlika wa joodika
Allah Allah
For your grace and downpour

Oh Allah your blessings are so many
They’re too many to count
Oh my Lord as much as I praise you
I can’t thank you enough

Rabbee ya Kareemu ya Raheemu Ya Haleem
Rabbee ya Ghafooru ya Sabooru ya Shaakoor
Rabbee ya Rahmaanu ya Mannanu ya Hannan
Rabbee ya Ghaffaru ya Qahharu ya Sattar
Oh my Lord you are the Bountiful, Most Kind and Forbearing
Oh my Lord you are the Most forgiving, Patient and Thankful
Oh my Lord, you are the Most Merciful, Generous, and Affectionate
Oh my Lord, you are the Most Forgiving, the all compelling subduer, and Shielding

In the morning
In the evening
In everything I do
Times of hardship
Times of ease
I only turn to you
Every teardrop
Every breath
I know that it’s from you
All my life and even my death
I dedicate to you – Allah Allah

Rabbee ya Kareemu ya Raheemu Ya Haleem
Rabbee ya Ghafooru ya Sabooru ya Shaakoor
Rabbee ya Rahmaanu ya Mannanu ya Hannan
Rabbee ya Ghaffaru ya Qahharu ya Sattar
Oh my Lord you are the Bountiful, Most Kind and Forbearing
Oh my Lord you are the Most forgiving, Patient and Thankful
Oh my Lord, you are the Most Merciful, Generous, and Affectionate
Oh my Lord, you are the Most Forgiving, the all compelling subduer, and Shielding

You are the one
The only one
You have no partners
You have no son
You gave me life
You gave me sight
Lead me from darkness into the light


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Its Marilyn, dear

Wordless wednesday

Bad vs Good

And yes, you never realise what you have until you lose what you have

What is friendship?

What is friendship??

According to general definition, it is a relationship between two people consisting of mutual trust and support.

But that's just in theory isn't it? In today's society, people's understanding of things tend to get skewed. It changes based on the influence of their surroundings.

The key values of friendship are - sympathy, empathy, honesty, mutual understanding, compassion and trust.

I for one, value every friendship I have or have had. I believe in treating others with sincerity. But unfortunately, not everyone sees or treasure friendship the same way. And initially, it upsets me. Not being able to grasp the concept as to why people would want to create malicious rumors. I know that nobody is perfect. And that we're humans. And humans gossip. Everybody talks. But voicing an opinion and sharing a thought is one thing.. Creating stories under false pretenses is another. And that, I strongly disagree with.

So peeps, what's friendship to you??

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

- Buddha

Friendship, is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

- Muhammad Ali

A friend to all is a friend to none.

- Aristotle

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who would take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

- Oprah Winfrey 

Friends and good manners will carry you where money won't go.

-Margaret Walker

True friends stab you in the front.

- Oscar Wilde


If it's very painful for you to criticize your friends - you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue.

- Alice Duer Miller

Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, to be loyal to a family and clan, whose blood is in your own veins.

- Charles Alexander Eastman

I treasure every soul I've met in my life. Every one of them has in some way or another played a role in shaping me for who I am today. And I will continue to grow as a person. Hoping to help others along the way, as how they've helped me. So now that's off my chest, I can clear my mind of such negativity. Stay positive.. Surround yourself with positive people. Clear the negative in your life.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Contengan Lakaran

contengan jalanan

sebuah lakaran kehidupan

seorang hamba Allah yang bergelar insan.

latar belakang itu telah Dia cipta

luasnya seindah pandangan saujana

harus difahami tidak semua makhlukNya serupa

baik dalam memandang atau merasa

kerana itu jua

muncul dimensi pandangan berbeza

terbit perspektif yang berbeda

wujud pendapat dari sudut yang lain pula.

sedang kita berjalan atas tanahNya

sedang kita melihat alamNya

sedang kita merasa nikmatNya

pasti ada pengertian dari akal yang Dia cipta

sejauh mana perbezaan kita

seluas mana perspektif kita

asalnya tetap pada satu akar yang sama

bertunjangkan akar yang subur dariNya.

banyak pengajaran dapat diterima

banyak ibrah dapat dicerna

terpulang sejauh mana kita merealisasikan ayat “Iqra”

turunan Allah buat Rasul kita

dari contengan itulah

terbit lakaran lakaran

yang pada akhirnya

mendekatkan lagi padaNya.

contengan jalanan

sebuah lakaran kehidupan

seorang hamba Allah yang bergelar insan.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The bird

But when I'm gone, please don't look for me. I left for a reason.

The see-saw

Monday, September 3, 2012

Ya Rabbi Bil Mustaffa - Madrasah Aljunied

Ya Rabbi bi 'l-Mustafa
Balligh maqasidana
Wa 'gfir la-na ma mada
Ya Wasia 'l-karami

O my creator, O Allah
Fulfill our aims in life Allah
Forgive our sins, Ya Allah
O Allah the most gracious


Seriusly, never know IIUM got song..miss the moment

Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa

Ya rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqasidana
Waghfir lana ma mada ya wasi’al karami

Indeed, I miss the moment