Thursday, February 3, 2011

My new addiction: A ginger drink

Lately I was addicted to ginger drink. I would drink ginger every morning. Though in actual fact I drink it just to get remove gasses in my stomach, but eventually I hope with that drink I’m going to be slimmer. What a funny thought. LOL. And yes, this drink help me to reduce my severe gastric, and I am now having less stomach pain than used to be.

So, what is ginger? How does it benefit us? According to, In traditional Cantonese dish, balancing flavour in food is believed to promote physical and mental well-being. Soy sauce is often combined with ginger for preparing steamed fish. It gives you the earthy taste and favour of the fish. Fish (omega-3 fatty acid) and ginger could possibly offer us lots of health benefits. Recently, researchers from Nanjing University, China, demonstrated the use of Magnolia bark and ginger rhizome to treat depression in rats. The combined treatment of honokiol and magnolia with ginger essential oil exerted synergistic antidepressant-like effects by prosily regulating the serotonergic and gastro enteric system functions. There are couples interesting findings found about the health benefits of ginger in 2009. For examples, researchers from The University of Michigan Medical School showed a combination of 10% cur cumin and 3% ginger extract allowed a rapid wound repair in hairless rats, with a manifestation of collagen production and a slow production of matrix metalloproteinase-9 production. A rat study in Saudi Arabia further confirmed the protective effects of ginger extract on neurological system against monosodium glutamate -induced toxicity. Researchers from University of Minnesota showed that [6]-gingerol effectively suppressed tumor growth in vivo in nude mice via the inhibition of leukotriene A(4) hydrolase (LTA(4)H) activity. And, LTA(4)H is regarded as a relevant target for cancer therapy.

Ginger has important healing properties, and one of the most effective ways to receive the benefits of ginger is by extracting its juice. An easy way to get the juice is to use a porcelain ginger grater, which has rows of of sharp teeth that shreds the fresh root and leaves unwanted fibers behind. The juice will run to the sides where you can pour it into a spoon or cup. Ginger can also use a juicer or add it to a blender if preparing a juice with other fruits and vegetables.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, ginger can treat nausea caused by pregnancy and chemotherapy, and reduces all the symptoms of motion sickness including vomiting, dizziness, and cold sweating. By using the juice as a remedy for nausea, you get the medicinal benefits without the need to digest the hardy fibers of the root, making it easier for your body to absorb. 

Taking ginger juice to treat nausea is extremely safe and does not cause uncomfortable side effects, such as drowsiness and dry mouth that conventional prescriptions medications may cause. 
How to Lose Weight With Ginger

Grate two inches of fresh and juicy ginger rhizome to get a teaspoon of juice and take it diluted in filtered water if you find the taste too strong. This will almost instantly soothe your stomach and ease the sensations of nausea and vomiting.

Other than that, ginger has many other benefits. 
According to the UCLA Biomedical Library, ginger juice can treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis due to its high content of gingerol. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, gingerols are anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit the production of a nitrogen molecule called nitric oxide, which can form peroxynitrite, a powerful and damaging free radical. Ginger juice will also help relieve morning stiffness. Take a teaspoon of ginger juice between meals and before going to bed.

The intake of ginger juice will warm the body, promoting healthy sweating, which not only assists detoxification but also boosts the immune system thanks to the germ-fighting agent in sweat called dermcidin. According to a study done by the Eberhard-Karls-University's Department of Dermatology in Germany, published by the U.S. National Library, dermcidin is an antibiotic peptide naturally secreted by the sweat glands, providing protection against bacteria, fungus and infection including staphylococcus aureus, candida and e. coli. 

This makes it good remedy for fighting off a cold or a cough. Mix a teaspoon of ginger juice in half a cup of warm water and take on an empty stomach. You can also mix the juice with honey to soothe the throat and make it taste better.

Lemon Ginger Tea Health Benefits

Lemon-ginger tea is an infusion of lemon juice and ginger root rather than a true tea. True teas are made by steeping leaves of various herbs in hot water, usually in a steel tea strainer or cloth-like bag. The pleasant, citrus scent of lemon combined with the pepper-spice scent of ginger provides a relaxing opportunity to pamper your senses and recharge your spirit.

Drinking lemon juice mixed with honey and hot water every two hours helps reduce fever, says online magazine "Living Life ... Boomer Style." Ginger is a diaphoretic, which means it induces sweating. Sweating releases dermcidin, which helps the body, "limit infection by potential pathogens in the first few hours following bacterial colonization," Birgit Schittek stated in a 2001 issue of "Nature Immunology."

On the other hand, drinking lemon-ginger tea will help prevent salmonella and other bacterial infections, thanks to ginger's active ingredient, zingiber, and the immune-boosting action of the pectin and limonene in lemon. Ethanol-based ginger extract killed salmonella typhi bacteria, according to T.E. Ayogu, PhD, in a 2009 study published in the "Internet Journal of Third World Medicine."
Benefits of Lemon and Ginger Tea
Herbal teas get names like "Lemon Lift" for good reason. The scent of lemons increases concentration, insists "Living Life ... Boomer Style." She recommends drinking lemon water every few hours. Sipping warm ginger tea with lemon can relieve tension, providing a welcome break during intense study sessions, after a strenuous workout or before a high-stakes presentation at work.

In brief, the benefits of ginger are as follows:

The medicinal uses of ginger are almost endless.  If you can stomach the spiciness, it does wonders in treating many disorders.
Anticoagulant:  Add ginger in most of your cooking or add a teaspoonful of fresh ginger juice in your beverages to enjoy the anticoagulant properties of ginger.  It helps make blood platelets less sticky which in turn reduces your risk of atherosclerosis.
Aphrodisiac effect:  A natural aphrodisiac, this might be the better substitute to Viagra!  Drink hot ginger tea (by mixing ginger juice, hot water and raw honey) after a not-too-heavy meal and see it work!
Cold: Cut up a small piece of ginger and boil it with a small cup of pure drinking water.  Add some green tea leaves if you wish.  Strain and drink when hot.  Effective if you also have fever resulting from the cold. You may also drink this concoction if you feel a cold coming.
Cough:  Drink ginger juice with raw honey three to four times a day for a bad throat.  It is soothing and helps clear up phlegm.
Ginger Tea to Lose Weight
Here is the best part. Ginger in the usage of slimming purposes . Ginger is a popular remedy for stomach and intestinal difficulties, and reports that it may help to ease digestive discomfort. Drinking a cup of ginger tea may help to prevent and ease discomfort and gas in the digestive tract. According to "Diet and Nutrition," smoother more comfortable digestion means that your body will assimilate more nutrients from the foods you eat so you will naturally consume fewer calories. There is no conclusive clinical evidence for the use of ginger to help with digestion. Ginger tea may help promote diaphoresis -- or sweating, says "The Yoga of Herbs." Sweating helps release toxins in the body through the skin. The mild diaphoresis caused by regularly drinking ginger tea may help your body melt and release excess body mass holding toxins and impurities. There is no conclusive clinical evidence to support using ginger tea for internal cleansing. However, be ware. Ginger may thin your blood, so avoid drinking ginger tea if you are taking blood thinning medication, have lost a lot of blood or are at risk for heavy bleeding. Do not use ginger medicinally while pregnant. Talk to your doctor before making ginger tea a part of your overall weight-loss plan.

So friends, what are you waiting for. Come and join me in making ginger drink as a habit for your own health. The taste is just nice especially when you consume it with honey. Considering it pros, I would say this habit shall eventually gives you million than you thought. So, let's join me and start it today :-)