Saturday, January 1, 2011

A year has passed..another chapter to go through

A year has passed by..another year is coming for me to go through..It's a time to ponder what has I gained through my years, and what should I achieve in the next coming years.

Well, we begins with a new chapter after my graduation in year 2004. I start working as an executive in a commercial Islamic bank named Commerce Tijari, later known as CIMB Islamic Bank. Yes, indeed, I love my job very much. I had a very nice bosses though sometimes they could gives me troublesome (don't mad bosses, this is true what?), a good mentor and mum in office named Mrs Tamsiah, a very good teachers like Mr Taharudin, Mr Karim and others. My job not only restricted to the accounting fields. I was given exposure to the product initiation and projects, and best of of, a good relationship with Bank Negara with the working experience of less than a years. And what I love the most, is the opportunity becoming a secretary to the rate fixing committee whereby I was the only executive in the quorum where else everyone else are at their senior level. Thanks to Mr Badlisyah for nominating me and gives me his full trust on that. Yes, my three years there is full of colors, sad, sweet and unforgettable memories. That is the place I found myself falling...yes the place we and Hakeem.

After that, I work with an engineering company that specialized in oil and gas, well until now. Still, I'm doing finance and accounts but this time is more comprehensive from the financial accounting to the management reporting to the annual reports, budgeting and others finance stuff. It still a new a new scope for me as I deals with many projects that requires different treatment each time. 

Clocks ticking and it's now I have been working for almost six years. It's quite new but for me, in my six years, I have been through so many things in my careers. I love my job, indeed. The only things that I didn't like about it is the condition, the outside factor, the politics involves in the office. Unfortunately, I haven't choice, do I? People may say, just change your working place, but then it would not happen in one snap finger, right?

In year 2010, I also decided to pursue my masters. Hmm.. Telling you the truth, it is so hard juggling between my job and my studies. I was fortunate because for having an understanding superior, if not me I would not say a word. Studying and working at the same time would not an easy task. It requires a huge sacrifice between my time and my beloved families and friends. Not to mention other activities that needs to be sacrifice besides having a good time management. .

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Well, it is schedule that I would finish my study in October 2011, or at least that is what I hope for. I would dream to further more after finishing this chapter, God willingly. People may ask me, why furthering up? I don't know. I just feel good about it. I enjoyed my time being a student. It feels like left everything behind, all the mess and troubles but myself inside the classroom. I find my tranquility there. Despite of having piles of assignments and projects, I find my peace of mind. I find myself that I lost for these days, and it's there. I plan to further up abroad, God willingly. It just I'm so inspired to go abroad at least once for a life time, perhaps Aberdeen. Haha, funny!! But yes, it's my wish, and may it become true. Please pray for me!!

In the next coming years, besides finishing my study, I would hope a new chapter of my life, at least some beginning of the old version . Well, this one is definitely beyond of my control, but yes I still trying to work it out. Still it depends on God-will. I'm hoping for a new chapter of relationship. Still, it would become a massive debate especially between my families as my ages approaching three series. Phew!! I just hope that God make it easier for me. He has tested me so much, and yes to the God, I shall hope for.

The coming years would be a hope for me. Apart from these two things, I hope for a new start of career. A career that gives me all the benefits. A career that would last. A career that able to support my living. A change to a new life. A change to a new start. A change that bring life to the next level. A change that brings hopes and joy. A cherish years ahead. A joyous life. And most important things, a bless life guided by His teaching . May wishes becoming true.

A year ahead, a new chapter begins. A hope that seeks for blessings. A  wish hoping to becoming real.

Happy new year, dears.