Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crushes of life

Have you ever been in a crash? Not a crush of accident, but a crush of heart. Have you?As a human, we might be having a crash, at least once in a life time.
Today I would like to spill on my crushes. feel a bit weird, but that is what on my mind now..
My first crush was I was in form three..actually it is more to secret admirer..the guy was an inspiration for me to learn . We were both librarian, so we work together in the library but we never talk to each other. We keep looking to each other whenever the counter party didn’t see. Unfortunately, he moved to another school after PMR, and the story ended there. I found him in facebook and we sometimes chat with each other but the memory never been discussed again. Yet, he and I know about that.
The second crush was I was in form four. It begins as a rival in study; I hate him because of his good skills in geography. Yeah really hate him because he got all the attention for it. Eventually the hate turns into secret admirer. I will turn into blushes whenever seeing him in the school corridor. Though that, we are still rival in our study competing to be the best student in our year. We keep put small notes with song lyrics under the desk, looking to each other with no expression yet the heart bumping. Yes, this crush helps me to work harder in my study, I tried very hard to beat him in study and yes I beat him. Thanks a lot.
The last time I fall into crush is when I work with CIMB, not with the colleagues but with the auditor. He is someone that is so soft spoken, very patient such a contra with me. Here the same happens, a faceless expression, unemotional statement, it just looking to each other with blushers with all means deep inside heart. Not even one knows but we know, though not even a single words spoken to express the feels. Ands that is the last time I have my crushes until now.
I am still wonder will I ever been in crush someday in the future? I am looking forward to that day J