Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh No..No..No..

Oh no..NO..NO..NO.. I was just found out that the new semester will only started in September instead of June. If it is only started by September, hmm I will only complete my MBA by December, if it took four month to complete or next February if it took six montn in a semester..Oh NO NO NO..
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All the plans whall have to be revised. Ghee..I hate that. I need to rework my plan. What to do first? Wait until my MBA complete in the end of the year? Then apply for a tutor or lecturer and find an offer to complete doctorate? seems too late. A doctorate program would take at least 2-3 years to complete. At that time, I was what? Thirty three thirty four? Huhu..such a scary things to ponder..

Or I ignored things and apply the tutor or lecturer post now? Which seem ridiculous since they wanted the MBA transcript for the application..
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Oh I hate when they ruined my plan. What should I do?