Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh No..No..No..

Oh no..NO..NO..NO.. I was just found out that the new semester will only started in September instead of June. If it is only started by September, hmm I will only complete my MBA by December, if it took four month to complete or next February if it took six montn in a semester..Oh NO NO NO..
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All the plans whall have to be revised. Ghee..I hate that. I need to rework my plan. What to do first? Wait until my MBA complete in the end of the year? Then apply for a tutor or lecturer and find an offer to complete doctorate? seems too late. A doctorate program would take at least 2-3 years to complete. At that time, I was what? Thirty three thirty four? Huhu..such a scary things to ponder..

Or I ignored things and apply the tutor or lecturer post now? Which seem ridiculous since they wanted the MBA transcript for the application..
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Oh I hate when they ruined my plan. What should I do? 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What an unfortunate day

Last week my friend and I had a presentation for our supply chain management subject. We pick Fedex as our topic. The bad thing is I had my asthma attack on the day of presentation. I tried to maintain myself until that evening for the presentation. Praise to God, we able to deliver the presentation smoothly. We even got some praise from the lecturer for our presentation. Such a weird outstanding because normally that lecturer always found a way to humiliate us, like catching us eating in the class, asking questions and others. Although we got praise from the lecturer, there were some people not agreeing with the praise. Huh, and that lady tried so hard to let the lecturer take the praise away. We just don’t get it. Why that lady not satisfied even though she admit that our presentation is a good one. Was it envy? She admits that the presentation is the best ever, but she keeps making it an issue. Seriously we didn’t get it. Well, never mind, we shall see how would she perform next week. Could she do better than us? We will see. Like they always say, I see when I see you. There shall be a payback. We didn’t touch you but you keep our life misery. And I don’t think you will go away that easy after putting ourselves in mess. We will see.

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Yesterday I had an argument with my group mate, Manik. It was beginning when he tries acting as a group leader by asking us doing things but unfortunately whatever he emailed or do is wrong. It was totally out of topic. We tried to explain to him but yet he keeps ignored us. To worse, he said to me “I don’t want to talk to you, you don’t understand. You are just rubbish”. Excuse me!! Who talk rubbish? Who is now out of topic? He think by doing works early and act like a leader, he is good? Hell to the no. I was really pissed off. He even doesn’t want to admit his wrong or even asking for apology. Seriously he was crazy.  I feel want to choke him to death at that time. I made Alina to get rid of him from our group. Yes, I feel so released. So satisfied. I rather do the project myself rather thank deal with alter ego maniac like him.  But I still didn’t like him. I just don’t get it. Was it so hard to understand what lecturer wants? What was the alter ego do with it? I mean if you really wrong, was it sin to ask for apology? So go to the hell with him. We shall proceed with our project. I just don’t want to see his face anymore. Could I write to Prime Minister asking him to sent this alter ego maniac back to his country, India? After all, duduk Negara org buat la cara menumpang kan, yang tak reti2 nak behave tu kenapa? Balik Negara sendiri la….