Saturday, January 11, 2014

It is again Friday

It is Friday again, and when this post uploaded, it will be Saturday morning. I knew I stop writing for long time, almost more than a month. I did not do any New Year post too. Well, it is not that I do not want to share anything; I was just so busy lately, with usual stuff, year end closing, unavoidable things for normal people who deal with numbers like me.  It is pretty lame, right?

Despite of those unavoidable things, I have stopped crying for a month. It is pretty amazing and I am so thankful to God for sending me His miracle. It happens when I start sending my notice of tender last four weeks. I stop crying ever since that. It was a relief. I feel like all the burden on my shoulder has been lifted off. I could say no more except a great gratitude for the God’s mercy and not to forget my boss afford to take me out of that place.

It was a day that they have their Governing Board meeting. I take courage to do so, and I am glad I did. I knew I had scratched the best assistant’s ego by sending the notice on that day. As imaginable, she gets so angry at me, and keeps revenge to the last. She has forfeited my six day leave as result of this. Instead of having twenty one day, she only allows me to have fifteen day leave balance only. Actually, this idea comes from the evil witch of human resource, who may have idea, most probably, that by forfeiting my six days of leave will gives her hundred thousand of bonus. Or maybe by doing so, that evil witch may have in her mind that she will be promoted to be director. Well, in her dream. Not only issue of leave, they make me stay to serve full notice of two month, with the reason to complete the audit.

It is a pretty strange reason, right? They claimed they found a replacement, who is more capable in delivering what is supposed to (of course, according to their dictionary), so they supposed would be able to release me early, right? However, it seems like their act is not really support their claim. We will see how good the Indonesian lady who going to replace me delivering their “need”. Only unethical could do so.
The best part is that they tried to hide everything from me, but the auditor has alerted them and me that the company secretary that they hired was not preparing any single account for their project. I am smiling widely. Would this indicate something? They trust outsider more than the insider, they think new joiner is much better than existing one. This should be a good drama to watch; unfortunately I am not there to enjoy it. If this kind of quality they search and trust for their project, you could guess the same of my replacement. J

It is a real relief to leave. I am now counting my days to find my exit door. They were actually quite shocked and surprised receiving my notice. They did not expect I was the one who give the notice. They actually expecting my college, Mr. A and Miss K to leave, but I make my move prior to them. I think they might feel that they already owned me, but they are way too wrong. The day they fired my boss, was the day I determined to be out from that hell. And when they realised that their assumption was wrong, they tried to make another reason that I will not be there because my boss was not there. They might be true, but it was not because of my boss, it was them who made me leave. Their unethical attitude, their personal gain, their threat, all these motivate me to leave.
The best assistant went to see me on my third week of notice, just to make sure that I complete the year end before leaving. She makes unpleasant comment that I leave just to work with my boss. Well, if yes, would this bothering her? I am willing to work with my boss billion times compared to her. At least, he did not ask me to do unethical thing, or tempered the report just to save her ass (please mind my language). He always safeguards me and I have learnt a lot from him.

Did best assistant teach me anything? Oh yes. She teaches me one really good lesson; no matter what I do, have firm faith to Allah, although I am not as pious as I suppose to, but that faith to Him, has safeguarded me, that faith has remembered me to have that “God fearing” that prevent me from doing thing that I could avoid such as unethical or wrong doing. She has made me learn, despite that we graduated from the same school, despite that we have the same religion, we seek for only one God, it is the God fearing makes us different. I may not be as pious as her in terms of my submission, but that faith to God, has guided me on what is good and bad, what is sin or not and she really makes me realise on that. As human, we are easily being fascinated with power and money, but again God has provided us the necessary to make judgement between those lines. Should it is not because of the God-fearing; we are given sense of rationale and brain to differentiate between ethical and wrong doing. Taking others right, being injustice to others, forcing people to serve their personal motives was clearly not in the good book. There is no insane people could justify these as a good, unless those who has been blinded their heart and eyes (God forbidden). The best assistant also has given me the best illustration of life experience. I saw and learnt that those injustice and taking others right, may bring more money and power, but it may not necessarily bring you the God blessing, you may feel you earned more, but in real, you just made yourself poorer that before, you will always feel insecurity, unsatisfactory and uncompleted.

Despite of what she did to my boss and me, I am glad I learn life experience and cherish the faith to God. It is true that God never leave us in good or bad. All this while that faith has gives me strength and that faith also save me now. I could say no more except my most thankful and gratitude to Him, for His presence and never letting me to give up. This is a life time experience and I am cherishing this more than I ever do.